Evaluation of Aşık Veysel's Contribution to The Nationalization Process From an Ethnopedagogıcal and Ethnoandragogical Perspective

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Ethnopedagogy, Ethnoandragogy, Nationalization


Folk poets (minstrels) in Turkish societies have been continuing their role as educators, enlighteners and guides of the people for many years; contributes to the informal education of the children and adults of the society in accordance with the ideal human model. Âşık Veysel Şatıroğlu, one of the greatest folk poets of the twentieth century, has kept the Dede Korkut tradition alive in Anatolia, and has become a sought-after voice in the society with his saz and his words in Türkiye. Âşık Veysel, who spoke about many subjects, also included national issues in his poems. This study aims  to reveal the emphasis on nationalization in Âşık Veysel Şatıroğlu's poems by examining its ethnopedagogical and ethnoandragogic scope. The research is a qualitative study and was designed as a case study. In the data collection process, the methods of interviewing, using the literature and examining the documents were used. Descriptive analysis was used as a data analysis method. As a result of the study, it was concluded that Âşık Veysel contributed to the nationalization process by assuming the responsibility of an intellectual, and conveyed the basic principles of the newly established Republic of Turkey to the people and future generations by emphasizing the themes of Turkishness, Atatürk, patriotism and being hardworking, both in his life and in his poems.


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How to Cite

Taşpınar, K. (2023). Evaluation of Aşık Veysel’s Contribution to The Nationalization Process From an Ethnopedagogıcal and Ethnoandragogical Perspective. Uluslararası Etnopedagoji Dergisi, 3(1), 18–48. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8058679