The "Manas" Epic As An Etnopedagogical Source
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Ethnopedagogy, Kyrgyz, Epic, Manas, Child, EducationAbstract
The thoughts of the people about education were recorded and preserved in oral works and passed down from generation to generation. There is not a single work in Kyrgyz folk oral art that does not contain an educational idea. In traditional Kyrgyz society, folklore and folk education were perceived as relative concepts.As the largest Kyrgyz epic in terms of volume and content in modern science, “Manas” has the value of an encyclopedic source for Kyrgyz ethnopedagogics, in which one can recognize all sides of thoughts related to the upbringing of the younger generation of Kyrgyz, accumulated by them over the centuries.The analysis of scientific literature shows that although some steps are being taken in this direction, multifaceted thoughts, facts, and concepts related to traditional education in the content of the epic have not been independently reconstructed and studied from the ethnopedagogical point of view. In this regard, the article deals with interrelated issues related to the content of the epic, the purpose of education, the process of education, methods – folk pedagogical concepts and terms, the interdependence of the child upbringing and social development. Along with this, the characteristics of the concepts of "warrior", "brave warrior" as the ideal of raising sons in the epic "Manas", "a pure-hearted, bright, beautiful, knowledgeable woman", "high-minded, tolerant, calm, not arrogant, knows how to treat everyone equally, respectable, devoted to people" as the ideal of raising daughters, and the growth of personality in the epic "Manas" multifaceted knowledge about various factors and means that ensure the direct development is analyzed.The article was based on a descriptive research model and systematically presented a set of images and symbolic materials when analyzing concepts related to education in the content of the epic using a reading-oriented content analysis method.
Along with this, the characteristics of the concepts of "warrior", "brave warrior" as the ideal of raising sons in the epic "Manas", "a pure-hearted, bright, beautiful, knowledgeable woman", "high-minded, tolerant, calm, not arrogant, knows how to treat everyone equally, respectable, devoted to people" as the ideal of raising daughters, and the growth of personality in the epic "Manas" multifaceted knowledge about various factors and means that ensure the direct development is analyzed.The article was based on a descriptive research model and systematically presented a set of images and symbolic materials when analyzing concepts related to education in the content of the epic using a reading-oriented content analysis method.
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