About the Journal
The International Journal of Ethnopedagogy (IJE) is an international, peer-reviewed scientific journal in which original articles aiming to contribute to the field of ethnopedagogy are published. It has been published since December 2021. The publication languages are Turkish and English. It is published biannually in June and November. Special issues may be published after events such as congresses and symposia.
The IJE is an open access journal. The IJE does not charge manuscript processing fees (review fees or printing fees) or subscription fees for accessing articles.
Current Issue
Vol. 4 No. 2 (2024): International Journal of Ethnopedagogy
Full Issue
The Roles of the Families in Posof in Character Education for Their Children
Abstract views: 246 /
PDF downloads: 288
Analysis of Texts in Turkish and Turkish Culture Coursebooks in Terms of Root Values
Abstract views: 208 /
PDF downloads: 120