Education and Instruction of Children and Youth in the Historical and Pedagogical Context of Chuvash-Turkish People

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Chuvash Turks people, Ethnopedagogy, Chuvash-Turkish Relations, Education of Children and Youth


An individual is born as a member of a certain group and continues life according to the environment into which they were born, being raised according to the methods of educating children in their own society. The methods of raising children observed in each society are shaped by the accumulation of experiences passed down from generation to generation. This type of education is known in literature as ethnopedagogy. Ethnopedagogy means "the way of raising children and its knowledge that a society applies to achieve the idealized human being with the experience it brings from its own tradition". The concept of ethnopedagogy was introduced by the Chuvash scholar Volkov in the geography of the former Soviet Union and has been used to this day as a field of science that examines the methods of child-rearing within ethnic groups living in this region. As seen in other communities, important research has been conducted on ethnopedagogy in Turkish societiesOne of these societies is the Chuvash people. The Chuvash are the first Turkish tribe to separate from the main Turkish body in the historical process. These peoples, who have a common history, also have similarities in the methods of raising children and young people.


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How to Cite

Petrova, T. N., & Aliyeva Çınar, M. (2024). Education and Instruction of Children and Youth in the Historical and Pedagogical Context of Chuvash-Turkish People. Uluslararası Etnopedagoji Dergisi, 4(1), 20–30.